Friday, October 23, 2009

Stratosphere Hotel Room

This is the hotel room at the Stratosphere on the first day. It was so big!!

Video of Chelsea

This is a vid of Cha.

Chelsea Girl and Pepper

This is Chelsea my doggie. And to all you out there, I don't know if I've showed Pepper, but he died when we were driving to las vegas. :( HE had a stroke and our pet sitter took him to the vet and he got put down so here is a pic of him too.

The Stratosphere

This is the deck of the Stratosphere Hotel. I'm smiling really bad. Don't laugh!!

Day of the Wedding, Me

This is me on the day of the wedding. Don't I look awesome? And the shoes I wore had rhinestones on them. They used to be my grandma's. Then I broke the side and I don't fit anymore. Bye bye shoes!

Me in Curlers the Day of the Wedding

This is me in hot rollers or curlers the day of the wedding which happened Sept 19 in Las Vegas.

Steven Shaving

This is my bro, Steven shaving on the WEDDING DAY. Yes...he got married. To a girl named Kristen Alarid, now Huss

My first Day of 6th grade and my locker

This is me and my friends and just me on the first day of sixth gd. Starting on the left going to the right. Me, Julia, Alexyss(BFF), Marisa, Emily S., Emily R., and Sydney.

My Friend Carly and Me Boogie Boarding

This is my really close friend Carly and I boogie boarding at the Carlsbad Inn. It's about 45 minutes away. We were at the beach.

Orb Spider

This is a spider on my balcony. He was pretty big!!